The Naughty Vixen

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Archive for the category “Get To Know/Author Interview”

Get To Know: Sherilee Gray + GIVEAWAY

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NV:  Who has been the biggest influence on your writing?

SHERILEE:  The first romance novel I ever read was by Sherrilyn Kenyon. That novel started my passion for paranormal romance. There are many, many other amazing authors who have influenced me, but Sherrilyn Kenyon was my first!

NV:  What is the one thing your readers would be the most surprised to learn about you?

SHERILEE:  Before I started writing I used to paint. I didn’t suck at it either, and sold quite a few of my paintings. I haven’t picked up a paint brush since I started writing.

 NV:  What is one of your guilty pleasures?

 SHERILEE:  I have an unhealthy addiction to Cadbury’s Rocky Road chocolate.

 NV:  Where do your ideas/characters come from?

 SHERILEE:  Often songs, sometimes movies. And then sometimes a character or idea will just pop into my head and won’t go away!

 NV:  What do you do when hit a roadblock in your writing to help get those creative juices flowing?

 SHERILEE:  Sometimes, I’ll step away for a bit, do some reading or talk over what’s bothering me with one of my writer friends. I’ve struggled at times, but I’m lucky that I haven’t had any major problems…yet *knocks on wood*

 NV:  What was one of the first things you did to celebrate when you found out you were going to be a published author?

 SHERILEE:  I called my family and friends and squealed in their ears down the phone.

 NV:  Describe how you felt when you read your first review of Lone Wolf’s Captive?

 SHERILEE:  Relieved would be the biggest thing I felt. I was positive no one would like it. I mean, it’s just me writing down all the crazy things going on in my head. So far I’ve been thrilled with the response to my scarred alpha wolf Fletch and his feisty mate Delaney.

 NV:  Is promoting your book and getting your name out there harder or easier than you thought it would be?

 SHERILEE:  I am terrible at promoting myself! At this point, my goal is to just write the best book I can, and hope it’s something readers will enjoy. I think that’s the best promotion you can do for yourself.

 NV:  What advice would you give to new upcoming authors?

 SHERILEE:  Don’t give up. I don’t know who said this, but I’ve heard it many times. “The difference between a published writer and an unpublished one is that the published writer didn’t give up.”

 NV:  What are you working on now?

 SHERILEE:  I have a few things going on at the moment, but my main goal is to get A Wolf’s Deception edited. The hero is Gabe, a character who helped Fletch out near the end of Lone Wolf’s Captive. Hopefully, my publisher will like it and you’ll get to read his story!

Enter to win your own e-copy of Lone Wolf’s Captive here:  GIVEAWAY

Get to Know JAMI DENISE + Giveaway!

71E94LVkpdL._SL1500_Recently I had the wonderful privilege of reading See Jayne Play – which was another one of those just fabulous, ground-breaking titles that made a huge impression on me!  I am definitely a fan of this series, and I will continue to read more by this author – whether it’s in connection with the Jayne series or something new.  But she is also one of the nicest author’s I have come across, and I jumped at the opportunity to ask her a few questions…so, please read on and get to know this wonderful author – I’m sure we’ll be hearing her name more and more often in the near future!

The Naughty Vixen:  Who has been the biggest influence on your writing?

Jami Denise:  I have so many influences. It’s really hard to pin it down to one person, but I have always been inspired by Judy Blume as an author.  I think she will always be the reason I wanted to write books.

The Naughty Vixen:  Jayne is a high priced call girl who comes from the underground crime world in Las Vegas -Where you nervous about readers connecting with See Jayne Play because of that?

Jami Denise:  I was. There is a certain stigma that goes along with anyone working in the sex industry.  She’s independent and can come off a bit hard, but as strong as she is, I hope the reader can appreciate that she is also a human being with feelings, even when she’s hiding them. A lot of women that find themselves involved with prostitution lose, or have lost, a part of themselves, and they put up defenses to protect themselves from those that use them, and or hurt or will hurt them. Jayne is an escort by choice, she’s made hard decisions, and that was the road she took. It’s just run it’s course and taken it’s toll and she’s trying to figure out who she is. I hope readers understand that confusion and accept the way she works through who she is.

The Naughty Vixen: If we could only take away one thing to inspire us about Jayne’s character, what would it be?

Jami Denise:  I think the very fact that she let down walls she’d built up her entire life to allow a bit of actual happiness is inspiring. In the midst of madness, and in the ugly world she comes from, she’s still got a beating heart and a tender soul. I think that’s inspiring.

The Naughty Vixen:   What was your reaction to the first “official” review of your book?

Jami Denise:  Surprise. Lol.  I told myself I wasn’t going to read any reviews, but that was just stupid. The blogs that were a part of the release tour were amazing. I was surprised, and then I was sort of proud. It’s always nice when someone doesn’t think you suck 😉

The Naughty Vixen:  Why do you think Flynn became so fascinated by Jayne?

Jami Denise:  I think when he saw her as a child, she stood out. She was unique, and something about her captured his attention.  Flynn’s odd, as anyone that reads will find out, so with him, I think he fixated on her and then when she continued to disappear, he was intrigued.  And of course, he’s a man and men are visual animals. She was pretty and he liked pretty.

The Naughty Vixen:  Does any of the characters have traits that you yourself wish you had and if so, what traits would those be?

Jami Denise:  I guess if I had to choose one trait from one character, it would be Vince’s patience.

The Naughty Vixen:  What is the one thing your readers would be the most surprised to know about you?

Jami Denise:  Hmmm. I guess that I am incredibly shy. Pretty much socially backward.

The Naughty Vixen:  What has been the hardest part of the writing process for you?

Jami Denise:  The hardest part of writing is focus for me. It’s a challenge to just sit and make myself write.

The Naughty Vixen:  Has promoting your book been harder than you thought, and what would you recommend to other authors that are trying to get their names out there?

Jami Denise:  It has been harder than I thought.  Selling books is mostly word of mouth, and getting it out there for others to see is a challenge.  I find it really hard to put myself out there (see above) so that’s been the hardest part, asking strangers to read my book.  But, I have met some incredibly supportive and awesome new friends, and hopefully new supporters for future books/projects.

My advice to other authors would be to be a planner.  I so am not a planner. I am forever doing things last minute.  

The Naughty Vixen –  I understand that you are working on the next installment of the Jayne series, See Jayne Run.  What is one fact that you can reveal to us now that would get us even more hyped up for the next book?

Jami Denise:  The one thing I can reveal about See Jayne Run is that readers are in for more surprises.  See Jayne Play ended with a cliffhanger, and everything they thought they knew will be twisted again. Nothing is as it seems.

Enter now to win a copy of See Jayne Play

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